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Gabourey Sidibe Amassing Quite A Following On The Social Network Twitter

Precious and the upcoming Tower Heist star Gabourey Sidibe, is amassing quite a following on the social network Twitter.

The only problem for the up and coming actress is that she doesn’t have a Twitter account. The 28-year-old star said that the person impersonating her on Twitter is charismatic and popular with fans- but that the persona doesn’t match Sidibe’s fiery one at all. Gabourey Sidibe admits:

'Isn’t that crazy? I’m not on Twitter, I’m like a loser, I’m still doing Myspace… It’s so strange, because she’s really positive because she thinks I’m positive but I’m not- I’m a hateful person. She’s like, ‘I love you guys,’ and she’s like, ‘Good morning luvvies,’ I guess to, like, my followers, which is strange. She’s really uplifting and nice'.

That’s got to be a pain in the ass, huh? You’re a celebrity, people pretend to be you and they can’t even get the tone right. Gabourey Sidibe confirms that the fake-Gabby initially pissed her off and annoyed her mom Alice Tan Ridley, too. But, Sidibe said, the ersatz Gabby eventually won over her mother with her charismatic tweets:

'At first my mom and I were mad at her, like, ‘How dare you pretend to be like me?’ And then my mom was like, ‘Wait, people like her, she’s lovely, I’m going to follow her.

Gabourey Sidibe was talking Twitter on the chat show The Talk, where she was promoting her latest flick, Tower Heist. Tower Heist was released on November 2nd, and also stars Eddie Murphy and Ben Stiller.